Vinalda Website and Social Media guidelines

Vinalda is Portugal’s oldest drinks distributor, representing more than 30 brands of wine and spirits. The website is a testament of that close relationship between the producers, the products and finally the clients, telling the story of each in an engaging and insightful way.

Webdesign + Art Direction

Made at Lisbon Project

Wine and Spirit

The homepage guides the user through the story of Vinalda - from the producers to the table - as he scrolls down. The integration of the different sections through element animation was key into crafting a dynamic experience.

Video and still image

Photography and video - partly produced especially for the website - were key into showing all the care and detail that goes into each phase of the production. We wanted it to feel close and intimate, respecting the story and the people behind the family brands.


Social media follows the same graphic codes and guidelines as the website, showcasing each brand. Type, both elegant and strong, connects text and photo in dynamic compositions.


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