SW!G is the new drinks marketplace that delivers to your door within 60 minutes. We aimed to design a highly recognizable brand focusing on both digital and physical platforms, creating a unique dynamic design system extendable to all applications.

Branding + Webdesign + SoMe

Made at Lisbon Project

Graphic elements

The deconstruction of SW!G’s logo allows for the creation of iconography and illustrations, generating a recognizable and unique graphic universe.


SW!G’s website was designed with every step of the customer journey in mind in order to create an easy and intuitive buying experience considering address selection, dynamic shop listings and enhanced sorting options.

Visit swig.pt

Social Media

SWIG’s social media presence was crafted as an extension of the brand identity, both in concept and in tone. Consistency is key, therefore this integration reinforces brand recognition and establishes a strong online presence that resonates with the target audience.


UNICEF - Know your Rights


Fresenius Kabi - Team Illustration